French language article in Paris Match
Here you can find news from the NHA and also links to international news about Handwriting.
Étude: Les enfants ne savent plus tenir de stylo à cause des tablettes !
See French-language article in MCE
À cause des tablettes, de moins en moins d’enfants sauraient tenir correctement un stylo
French language article in Konbini
As crianças não sabem pegar num lápis e a culpa é da tecnologia
Article in Portuguese Publico
British children too weak to grip a pencil thanks to endless use of touchscreens
Toddlers’ excessive use of touchscreens is leaving the muscles in their hands so weak they cannot grip a pencil, specialists warn. See Express article.
Kids’ fingers too weak to hold pencil, occupational therapist says
See NewsCut article, Minnesota Public Radio
Touchscreen-addicted children struggle with writing, experts say
A child’s phone obsession could be making it harder for them to write. According to handwriting, kids are spending too much time swiping screens, and as a result, they’re not developing the […]
Estudo inglês afirma que a tecnologia está a fazer com que as crianças não consigam pegar em lápis
Article in Portuguese Observador
Children struggle to hold pens because of excessive use of iPads, claim experts
Article in The Telegraph
How hard is it to learn to write by hand as an adult?
Doctors have warned that overuse of electronic screens is leaving some children unable to hold a pen properly. But while learning as an adult is difficult, it’s not impossible. See […]
National Handwriting Day – Winners!
We are pleased to announce the lucky prize draw winners for the NHA celebration of National Handwriting Day. The hamper was won by Hillingdon Manor School, West Drayton. The bag […]
Do we need to teach children joined-up handwriting?
The US state of Illinois has passed a law requiring school students to learn joined-up handwriting, or “cursive”, overriding the governor’s veto. It is no longer a requirement in US […]