In recognition of the difficulties caused by the reduction in school budgets the NHA is offering a 10% discount on published INSET fees.
One of the best ways of raising and maintaining standards of handwriting in children is to work with educators and therapists. In-service training (INSET) is an excellent vehicle for doing this and there are a number of ways in which the NHA can help.
Why is in-service training important?
Surveys have shown that many teachers do not feel confident or competent enough to teach handwriting, perhaps through not having been directly taught themselves or because this was not addressed during their initial teacher training. Also, some older teachers may question whether techniques which they have used in the past are still relevant today. Those who work with children in a clinical context, such as occupational and physiotherapists, may welcome guidance on in-school issues, such as the requirements of the National Curriculum and literacy strategies. Whatever the background, the growing body of research into handwriting constantly shapes the thinking of all professionals, encouraging us all to re-evaluate the effectiveness of what we do. Courses and in-service training, tailored to suit the needs of each group or individual can provide the requisite expertise.
Who can benefit from INSET?
Our programmes are aimed at all professionals working with children and young people. These may include class teachers, Special Needs Coordinators, literacy coordinators, teaching assistants, student teachers, educational psychologists and occupational and physiotherapists.
Who are the INSET deliverers?
Members of the NHA with particular expertise in their own field are all prepared to contribute to INSET. These include educational and research psychologists, specialist teachers, lecturers, and therapists. The choice of provider is made according to each specific request. Where expertise in a particular area cannot be covered from within the NHA committee, outside experts can be brought in to help.
What form does the INSET take?
INSET is delivered in one of two ways:
- Courses: single day or the 5-day course
- Visits to individual schools and clinics
Types of training session
- Full or half day sessions at the venue of your choice (within the UK)
- Full or half day staff INSETS in school
- Sessions for individual teachers or therapists by arrangement
Suggested topics for talks
- Introduction to Handwriting
- Readiness for Handwriting and Pre-writing Experience
- Rules of Handwriting
- Handwriting in the National Curriculum
- Assessment
- Intervention
- Whole-school Policy
- Which Handwriting Scheme?
- Working with Health Professionals
- Secondary Pupils: Special Considerations at Key Stage 3 & 4
Suggested topics for workshops
- Gross and Fine Motor Exercises for Handwriting
- Pegs to Paper: Pegboard Exercises for Handwriting
- Tools, Furniture, Grips and Grasps
- Left-handers
- Handwriting ‘Surgery’: Discussion of Samples of your Pupils’ Handwriting
For a full-day session we recommend no more than 3 topics. To discuss your choice, please email:
Full day: £675 (NHA members £575) + expenses
Half day: £375 (NHA members £320) + expenses
All prices include a contribution to the NHA. For a members’ discount, please quote your NHA membership number when you book.
Fees payable in advance. For further details, please email: