NHA welcomes companies who share our interest in the skill of handwriting and who are willing to support our work as part of their Corporate and Social Responsibility programme. This support is much valued by the Association and can lead to co-operation of benefit to both NHA and the company.
Corporate benefits:
1. NHA Website advertising
- Your company logo will be on each page of the NHA website and there is an opportunity for your company to have a whole page write-up (written by your company) with direct links to your company website. This can be viewed without member access on the NHA website, so is available to all visitors to the website. Do have a look at one of the NHA’s other corporate members for an example:
- The NHA regularly features corporate members with a week-long opportunity, on a rotating basis, to host a 1-2 minute video at the top of the NHA home page. The content of this can be changed each time as the corporate member is in control of producing the video. Some corporate members have also chosen to put a link to a recent blog or a PowerPoint presentation.
2. General advertising
- Your company is permitted to use the NHA logo on any of your company’s material.
- Your company can advertise its products/resources and have a table displaying products/resources for free at the NHA annual AGM, to showcase your company. If the conference is virtual or your company is unable to attend the AGM, your company can supply us with a promotional video to be shown during the AGM.
- During all of the NHA lectures and training sessions, a rolling PowerPoint slide advertises all of our corporate members with the NHA lecturer thanking the corporate members before and after all training that we do. Plus, there is an opportunity for corporate members to take a zoom session to talk “face to face” with our delegates and hold a Q&A session afterwards. Lectures and training sessions are held regularly throughout the year and advertised through social media platforms and our website.
- The NHA will reference all of our corporate members during our Twilight training. Twilight training can attract between 20 and 250 attendees. Twilight training is held regularly throughout the year and advertised through social media platforms and our website.
- The NHA will display a 2.5 metre banner with all of our Corporates’ logos on, distributing and prominently displaying products/resources at all exhibitions and shows where we have an exhibition stand.
- The NHA will advertise and distribute resources of your choice at any INSET we undertake for schools and Councils. Croydon Council, for instance, booked the NHA in 2022 for two whole days to provide handwriting training to the literacy leads of around 12 schools in their borough, with the aim of the training then being passed around the schools.
3. Partnership activity
- The NHA regularly re-post and reference any of our corporate members whenever they post on social media.
- The NHA can lecture on your company’s behalf at shows and exhibitions. The NHA lectured for Stabilo at the Birmingham Education Show in 2014, 2015 and 2017.
4. Product development examples
- The NHA previously worked with BIC on product design when the company took on board the NHA’s suggestion of the (yellow) ridge on their BIC Kids range during a meeting with the former Chair of the NHA, Dr Webb, and Amanda McLeod.
- Crossbow Education consulted with the NHA on product development regarding their own brand of Crossguard pencil grip and a pencil grip to help those with hypermobile thumbs.
- Nexus, who have been corporate members since 2010, developed their Pegs to Paper range with the former Chair of the NHA, Dr Webb. Nexus have had yearly meetings with the NHA since 2010 to showcase Nexus new developments.
- The NHA are currently testing the recently updated STAEDTLER Noris Handwriting Pen.
- The NHA would be delighted to work with your company on any product design features and to evaluate and test new products.
5. Corporate relationships
- Each corporate relationship with the NHA is unique and has also fluctuated in intensity dependent on each Corporate’s current need.
- The NHA does not offer exclusivity to its corporate members.
- The NHA is a charity. Therefore, it does not endorse any products or resources unless it has been agreed with the Chair and other Executive members of the NHA.
- Corporate members are welcome to join our Executive Members meetings to give a 30 minute talk about their products/resources.
- The NHA will assess the integrity of prospective corporate members in order to determine their suitability. Prospective corporate members are assessed for suitability during Executive Members meetings. Not all potential corporate members are accepted.
6. Cost
- Annual corporate membership is £750. Notice must be given if your company wishes to cease corporate membership.
7. Looking ahead
- The NHA would like to build a community of corporates who work together with the NHA on future projects.
- The NHA have recently partnered with The Stationers’ Company at Stationers’ Hall in London and the NHA are looking forward to connecting with their members.
- The NHA are looking at the involvement of future marketing opportunities, speaking opportunities and the sharing of data with corporate members. We are always open to new ideas that will enhance our relationship with our corporate members.
For further information, please contact
Executive NHA Members Sue Smits and Caroline McHugh on: