It’s important to teach children how to write – especially in a keyboard world. Article in Gulf News.
External News
Here we cover national and international news relating to handwriting, with links to articles on external websites.
Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age
Do children in a keyboard world need to learn old-fashioned handwriting There is a tendency to dismiss handwriting as a nonessential skill, even though researchers have warned that learning to […]
Does Handwriting Have A Future?
Handwriting, according to some, is an anachronism. Finland has now dropped it from its national curriculum. And so many American states have also removed it as an educational requirement that […]
German students lack simple writing skills, study says
Children in Germany’s schools are having a tough time with their handwriting, a new study reveals. But how important is writing as a skill for students, who will have to […]
International Symposium on Handwriting Skills
The Expert Meeting at the Schreibmotorik Institut e.V. in Heroldsberg, Germany, “What is Good Handwriting?” was successfully held on February 2014. This Expert Meeting offered the international dialogue with scientists, […]
Finland to remove cursive handwriting from education curriculum
Cursive handwriting will be scrapped from the Finnish education curriculum and replaced by lessons in keyboard typing, it has been announced. Read article in the Independent.
Finland: Typing takes over as handwriting lessons end
Finnish students will no longer be taught handwriting at school, with typing lessons taking its place, it’s reported. Learning joined-up writing, often in fountain pen in the UK, is almost […]
How to improve your handwriting
Article by Harriet Green in The Guardian
Is a signature still useful?
There have been calls to phase out signatures. BBC News
The pen that spots mistakes as you write
A pen which vibrates when it detects its owner making a mistake is to undergo testing in schools. The Lernstift or “learning pen”, does not require ink or special paper […]
Summit to Make a Case for Teaching Handwriting
Ms. Berninger noted that when students struggle with handwriting, “people usually think, well, just put them on the computer.” But her studies of normally developing and struggling students learning handwriting […]
Can You Imagine a World without Handwriting?
On January 23, 2012, researchers and education thought leaders convened in Washington D.C. for Handwriting in the 21st Century? An Educational Summit to discuss research and opinions regarding the role […]