National Handwriting Association
Charity promoting good practice in handwriting
Our first Twilight webinar of the new year will be presented by Sue Smith of Morrells Handwriting and the NHA’s deputy chair, Michelle Stone.
About the topic:
What does the word cursive mean, and why did the government phase out the pre-cursive and continuous cursive script with an entry/lead-in stroke? This informative session will examine the importance of pre-writing skills and letter formation and why cursive/joined-up handwriting should be delayed as long as possible. We will also be explaining the NHA’s S-Factors and the teaching steps for legible, fluent handwriting, and we will look at a good example of a handwriting policy.
About the presenters:
Sue has worked across early years, primary and secondary schools for over 19 years, helping educators in school settings to teach children the correct pencil grasp, letter recognition and joined-up handwriting techniques whilst supporting human development for pre-writing skills. Sue regularly delivers INSET and Twilight handwriting training in schools for all teaching staff. Feedback from the teaching staff often describes her training as a game changer and mind blowing! Her campaign to ditch the cursive with the entry/lead-in stroke resulted in new legislation and the development of a Writing Framework.
Michelle is a specialist teacher in the East Riding of Yorkshire for children with physical difficulties, working with mainstream pupils who have physical needs/disabilities, which includes supporting them to record their work in school. Michelle has a varied experience of working with children with SEND in mainstream settings. Her background before specialising in physical support was as an early years teacher in Hull and London, then becoming a Senior Teacher for a large inner city primary school in Leeds, before relocating to East Yorkshire. Michelle led early years PE across Barnet whilst working in London and continued to be PE Lead when teaching in Leeds.
Price: £20 non-members, £15 members